Monday, November 18, 2013

Identity - Persepolis

This frame is on page 6, at the top of the page.  We are first being introduced to Marji's world, and with this frame, we see what her life is like.  When first looking at the frame, my eye is drawn to to Marji in the center and the contrast between the right side of the frame and the left side.  This frame shows the two sides to Marji's life.  She mentions that her family is religious, and it is a major part of her life especially since she thinks she is a prophet at this point in the graphic novel.  The black veil is emphasized on the right side along with the Islamic drawings in the background.  On the right side, it shows more of Marji's creativeness which also could show how she might be a bit rebellious in the future.  The right side has gears which makes me think of how Marji is constantly thinking and asking questions because she is a very curious young girl.  The way Marji is illustrated with her expression makes me think that she isn't very happy with the two sides of her life, and that is may be a struggle to keep the two sides balanced in her "modern and avant-garde" family.

This frame is on page 131, and it is in the middle right side of the page.  After being through some tough times in Tehran and living during a revolution, Marji has been through a lot.  This frame is a close up on Marji.  She is wearing a denim jacket and Michael Jackson button, as well as some nice Nike's (which aren't shown).  This is showing part of Marji's rebellious side that the last frame might have predicted.  She isn't afraid to wear this clothing even though it is against the rules and she could get in trouble.   Even though Marji doesn't think she is a prophet anymore, she still shows her religious side by wearing the headscarf.  In this frame, she is smiling and seems happy, unlike the first frame.  It seems she is balancing out the two sides of her life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mise-En-Scene Still Shots

From L.A. Confidential

From Double Indemnity 

Mise-en-scene = the staging of the scene

In these two shots, we clearly have a women in the middle of the shot.  Both shots are full shots to show the surroundings of the characters and establish a setting.  In L.A. Confidential, as Ms. Lynn is lifting up the screen, we can kinda see a room behind the current shot.  This is also seen in the shot from Double Indemnity.  This is using some of the Noir characteristics.  Both females are also wearing a white dress.  If I didn't know these shots were from two different movies, I could have thought it was from the same movie and the LA Confidential shot comes after the Double Indemnity because both are blonde females with white dresses, and the staging and set look kinda the same!  I see a lot of similarities in the mise-en-scene of these shots.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Still Image Reflection

This still image looks like it was taken from the scene where Anderton and Witwer meet and Witwer is demanding to see the Temple and the Pre-Cogs.  You can tell in the background that it is pretty glassy which means they are probably in the Pre-Crime department, which led me to my guess as to when in the film this image takes place.

When looking at this image, the first points the viewer's eyes are drawn to are John Anderton and Detective Witwer.  Then you notice that right in the middle of the shot is another person, which then creates a triangle between the people.  The focal point is right in the middle of the picture, where Witwer and Anderton are starring at each other, but we can't see exactly what is going on because there is another guy in the foreground of the image blocking the middle of the shot.
Having Witwer and Anderton behind him at thirds marks, gives the audience a point-of-view as if the audience is outside of the group and not really apart of whats going.

Throughout the entire film, the lighting is always a blue tone that uses a lot of shadow and blaring light. The lighting in this scene really makes us focus on Witwer and Anderton because they are much more lit and it is the focus of the scene.  There is a lot more light on them and more shadow on the guy in the middle that is blocking our view.  The lighting kinda shows the tension between Witwer and Anderton and how they seem to be starring at each other.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Movies I Have Recently Seen

-Identity Thief
-Cloud Atlas
-Super Troopers
-The Purge
-Quarantine 2
-A Haunted House
-Minority Report
-The House on the End of the Street